
Main 5m ques Geo Drainage

  07 .  E xplain the difference between Himalayan & Peninsular Rivers ? Ans :  HIMALAYAN RIVERS PENINSULAR RIVERS These rivers are origin from Kailash Range of Himalayas near Manasarovar lake in Tibet These rivers are origin from Central Highland & Western Ghats of  Peninsular Plateau Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature Peninsular rivers are non perennial in nature   Main source of these rivers are Rainfall & melting of Glacier These rivers are depend only on rainfall The region in which these rivers are flow hardly require irrigation The region in which these rivers flow highly require irrigation These rivers mostly create floods and cause destruction  These rivers do not create much floods These rivers create Deltas These rivers create Deltas & Esturies These rivers fall in Arabian Sea & Bay of Bengal These rivers also fall in Arabian Sea & Bay of  Bengal These rivers have large river basin These rivers have smaller river...
   9th CBSE Social Notes On Drainage   03-November-2021   Notes 01 .  D rainage :    It describes the river  system of an area 02 .  D rainage basin  : The area drained by a single river  system is called Drainage basin eg: Ganga River Basin 03 .  W hich is the largest river basin in the world and In India ? Ans : Amazon River basin in the world and Ganga River Basin India. 04 .  W aterDivide :    An  elevated area,  such as a mountain or an upland, separates two drainage basins  is known as a water divide. Eg: Ambala water divide separates Indus and Ganga in Haryana 05 .  H ow do the Indian drainage system is classified ? Ans : The Indian Drainage system is classified based on its origin, It is broadly divided into  two categories: • T he Himalayan rivers; and • Th e Peninsular rivers. 06 .  W hat are the  physiographic  units are involved in the evolution of Indian Draina...